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Auction 6634, lot 2301483

BMW 2 COUPE DIESEL - 2017 220 dXA 190 AdBlue (EU6d-TEMP) 2d

BMW 2 COUPE DIESEL - 2017 220 dXA 190 AdBlue (EU6d-TEMP) 2d
Make: BMW
Modification: 2 COUPE DIESEL 2017 220 dXA 190 AdBlue (EU6dTEMP) 2d
Date of registration: 01/07/2019
Mileage: 116 689 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 2.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Coupe
Drive: 4WD
Country of origin: Belgium
Engine Power (kW): 140 KW
Category: Motor car
116,689 km Mileage collected
Jul-19 First Drive
Dec-23 Last Mantenance 103,936 km
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