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Auction 39035, lot 2264939

Peugeot, 308 FL'17, Peugeot 308 1.2 PureTech 110 S&S Active 5d

Peugeot, 308 FL'17, Peugeot 308 1.2 PureTech 110 S&S Active 5d
Make: Peugeot
Modification: FL17, 12 PureTech 110 S&S Active 5d
Date of registration: 01/06/2020
Mileage: 62 505 km
Fuel type: ?fueltype?
Engine size: 1.2
Country of origin: Belgium
Engine Power (kW): 81 KW
Category: Motor car
Manual air-conditionning Airco OPT
Driver's airbag Airbags - Rondom OPT
Cruise control Cruise control OPT
Remote controlled heating Klimaatregeling OPT
Navigation system Navigatie OPT
Metallic paint Metallic lak OPT
Rear parking aid Parkeersensoren - Achter OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,199 cm3
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62,505 km Mileage collected
Jun-20 First Drive
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