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Dealer information

General description:

  • A legal or physical person can act as a dealer on our online site. For example, if the dealer is an individual, it can purchase cars at online auctions for his/her friends and acquaintances sending invoices for payment to third parties.
    The difference between the dealer accounts of individuals and legal entities is that individuals cannot replenish the balance for the purpose of subsequent debiting money for purchased cars.
  • The dealer status shall be determined immediately after the registration of the account in your personal account.

Terms and conditions:

  • A minimum deposit of 4,000 euros, which allows you to make unlimited number of bets. Auction commission 100 euros + 1 % of the amount;
  • The maximum period for invoice payment is 5 days. On the sixth day, a penalty at the rate of 24 % per annum shall be charged on the amount of the delay.


You can return the deposit in full only after you have bought at least three cars. Full termination of the auto dealership is possible provided there are no unpaid bills and current bids at auctions.

Important! It should be remembered that the penalty for unpaid cars shall be debited from the deposit balance of the dealer or third parties. Then the paid account shall be generated in the corresponding section of the account. The account shall be blocked until payment is made for the amount of the delayed interest.

For all legal entities members of the European Union (except Germany), prices are subject to VAT exclusion, provided that you can confirm the VAT code when specifying it in the appropriate section of the profile. The code is checked for compliance in automatic mode. Outside the EU, prices are indicated without VAT, by default.

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