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Auction 42501, lot 2785779

BMW 5 serie 530e M-Sport auto UA!

BMW 5 serie 530e M-Sport auto UA!
Sælges kun med afbilledet vinterhjul, ingen sommerdæk medfølger, Pga alder/km er det ikke muligt at reklamere over mekaniske fejl og mangler - Due to age/km, it is not possible to complain about mechanical faults and defects, Only sold with pictured winter tyres, summertyres are not included. Forsikringsskade repareret Venstre Baghjørne dkk 19.828,47 – insurance damage repaired left back corner dkk 19.828,47
Make: BMW
Model: 5 serie
Modification: 530e M-Sport auto UA!
Date of registration: 02/02/2021
Mileage: 198 985 km
Fuel type: ?fueltype?
Transmission: Automated
Body: Sedan
Country of origin: Denmark
Color: 416 - Carbon Black
Doors: 4
Seats: 5
Engine Power (kW): 215 (kW)
3AC - Elektrisk anhængertræk,3MB - BMW Individual Exterieur Line Aluminium ifbm. 337,402 - Panorama glassoltag,416 - Carbon Black,4NB - Klimaautomatik, 4-zoner,5AU - Driving Assistant Professional (specialpris),BMW Laserlight
Sælges kun med afbilledet vinterhjul, ingen sommerdæk medfølger, Pga alder/km er det ikke muligt at reklamere over mekaniske fejl og mangler - Due to age/km, it is not possible to complain about mechanical faults and defects, Only sold with pictured winter tyres, summertyres are not included. Forsikringsskade repareret Venstre Baghjørne dkk 19.828,47 – insurance damage repaired left back corner dkk 19.828,47
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