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Auction 42149, lot 2716995

Mercedes-Benz Cla coupe CLA 180 136ch AMG Line 7G-DCT

Mercedes-Benz Cla coupe CLA 180 136ch AMG Line 7G-DCT
Make: Mercedes-Benz
Model: Cla coupe
Modification: CLA 180 136ch AMG Line 7G-DCT
Date of registration: 07/08/2020
Mileage: 41 409 km
Fuel type: Petrol
Transmission: Automated
Body: Sedan
Country of origin: France
Doors: 4
Seats: 5
Pack Sport Black
Peinture métallisée
Similicuir ARTICO
microfibre DINAMICA
Eclairage d'ambiance
Instrumentation digitale avec écran 10''
Système de sonorisation Advanced
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Damage: 23.0
Guide: 20910
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