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Auction 41845, lot 2675010

Land Rover Range rover lwb - 2018 2.0 P400e Vogue PHEV (EU6d-TEMP)

Land Rover Range rover lwb - 2018 2.0 P400e Vogue PHEV (EU6d-TEMP)
CPM vehicle, NO ALD CAR, vehicle sold in the condition it is in, technical condition unknown, No history or intervention after sale!
Make: Land Rover
Model: Range rover lwb - 2018
Modification: 2.0 P400e Vogue PHEV (EU6d-TEMP)
Date of registration: 06/11/2018
Mileage: 174 578 km
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine size: 2.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Offroad car
Country of origin: Belgium
Seats: 5
Engine Power (kW): 297 (kW)
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CPM vehicle, NO ALD CAR, vehicle sold in the condition it is in, technical condition unknown, No history or intervention after sale!
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