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Auction 41775, lot 2666694

BMW X1 Sdrive16d A 85KW

BMW X1 Sdrive16d A 85KW
Make: BMW
Model: X1
Modification: Sdrive16d A 85KW
Date of registration: 16/07/2021
Mileage: 209 654 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 1.5
Transmission: Automated
Body: Offroad car
Country of origin: Austria
Color: alpinweiß
Doors: 5
Engine Power (kW): 116 (kW)
. Business Line
. Smartphone Integration
Business-Paket Plus
CO2-Wert laut Angebot
Größerer Kraftstofftank - um 10 Liter ve
Modell Advantage
Modellschriftzug Entfall
Stoff 'Grid' Anthrazit
Uni-Lackierung Alpinweiß
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