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Auction 41560, lot 2631204

Volkswagen GOLF Golf SW 2.0 TDI 150ch FAP Carat DSG7 Euro6d-T 8cv

Volkswagen GOLF Golf SW 2.0 TDI 150ch FAP Carat DSG7 Euro6d-T 8cv
Make: Volkswagen
Model: GOLF
Modification: Golf SW 2.0 TDI 150ch FAP Carat DSG7 Euro6d-T 8cv
Date of registration: 07/01/2020
Mileage: 203 642 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Transmission: Automated
Body: Wagon car
Country of origin: France
Seats: 5
Toit ouvrant electrique / Pack Hiver avec la sellerie en cuir / Peinture metallisee / Volant multifonction chauffant en cuir / Vitres lat. AR
vitres AR surteintees / Bleu Atlantique metallise / Projecteurs 100% LED directionnels / Roue de secours 16 a encombrement redui / Pack Drive Assist Premium
Array ( [included] => 1 [type] => percent [value] => 20 )
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Damage: 57.0
Guide: 13450
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