Auction 41479, lot 2622314
Ford FOCUS Focus 1.5 EcoBlue 120ch Trend Business// 2 PLACES - 2 SEATS
Make: | Ford |
Model: | FOCUS |
Modification: | Focus 1.5 EcoBlue 120ch Trend Business// 2 PLACES - 2 SEATS |
Date of registration: | 12/07/2019 |
Mileage: | 96 607 km |
Fuel type: | Diesel |
Transmission: | Manual |
Body: | Sedan |
Country of origin: | France |
Doors: | 5 |
Seats: | 2 |
REV - Transformation VP --> VU / REV - Frais de reversibilite VU->VP / REV - Cache-bagages / REV - Frais de stockage kit VP | |
Peinture metallisee / Pack Confort - Systeme d'acces et de dem | |
Array ( [included] => 1 [type] => percent [value] => 20 ) |
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