Auction 41428, lot 2617012
Tesla Model 3 LONG RANGE 4WD AUTO £ UA!
Make: | Tesla |
Model: | Model 3 |
Modification: | LONG RANGE 4WD AUTO £ UA! |
Date of registration: | 27/09/2021 |
Mileage: | 57 783 km |
Fuel type: | Electro |
Body: | Sedan |
Country of origin: | Denmark |
Color: | Pearl White Multi-Coat |
Doors: | 4 |
Seats: | 5 |
Engine Power (kW): | 350 (kW) |
Anhængertræk | |
Pearl White Multi-Coat | |
Anhængertræk, Pearl White Multi-Coat | |
Array ( [included] => 0 [type] => percent [value] => 0 ) |
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