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Auction 39822, lot 2423356

Toyota Yaris hybrid Yaris Affaires 100h France Affaires MY19

Toyota Yaris hybrid Yaris Affaires 100h France Affaires MY19
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Make: Toyota
Model: Yaris hybrid
Modification: Yaris Affaires 100h France Affaires MY19
Date of registration: 24/04/2018
Mileage: 65 570 km
Fuel type: Petrol/Electro
Transmission: Automated
Country of origin: France
Color: BLANC
Doors: 5
Seats: 2
Engine Power (kW): 7400 (kW)
Array ( [included] => 1 [type] => percent [value] => 20 )
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Damage: 15.0
Guide: 3070
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