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Auction 38476, lot 2256904

MERCEDES CLASSE A SEDAN DIESEL 180 d 116 Business Solution (EU6d-TEMP) 4d Auto

MERCEDES CLASSE A SEDAN DIESEL 180 d 116 Business Solution (EU6d-TEMP) 4d Auto
Make: Mercedes-Benz
Modification: A SEDAN DIESEL 180 d 116 Business Solution (EU6dTEMP) 4d Auto
Date of registration: 01/06/2020
Mileage: 51 168 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 1.5
Transmission: Automated
Body: Sedan
Country of origin: Belgium
Engine Power (kW): 85 KW
Category: Motor car
Navigation system Systeme de navigation : disque dur navigation OPT
Automatic air-conditionning Climatisation automatique (thermatic) OPT
Heated seats Siege chauffant av OPT
Recognition of road panels Systeme d'assistance de conduite: assistant limitation de vitesse OPT
Active-lane assistant Systeme d'assistance de conduite: actif (active) assistant maintien de trajectoire OPT
Led headlamp Projecteur led high performance OPT
Multifunction display screen Media display OPT
Alloy wheels Jantes alliage leger 6,5x16 (branches multiples) OPT
Reverse camera Camera aide au recul OPT
Park assistant Systeme d'assistance de conduite: actif (active) systeme d'aide au stationnement OPT
Drive Mode SelectIon Systeme d'assistance de conduite: agility select / dynamic select (interrupteur mode de conduite) OPT
Gearbox type Boite de vitesses 7 rapports - boite automatique a double embrayage dct OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,461 cm3
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Dec-22 29,952 km Balai ess.-glace av
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