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Auction 38433, lot 2253499

Classe A 180 AMG Line

Classe A 180 AMG Line
Make: Mercedes-Benz
Model: A-Klasse (BM 177)
Modification: se A 180 AMG Line
Date of registration: 01/06/2020
Mileage: 47 069 km
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.3
Transmission: Manual
Body: Hatchback
Country of origin: France
Engine Power (kW): 100 KW
Category: Motor car
Equipment Sport Pack Design et ligne d'equipements amg line OPT
Navigation system Hard-disc navigation OPT
Automatic air-conditionning Climatisation automatique (thermatic) OPT
Front sport seats Seat type variant 3 OPT
Smart phone mirror link Pack integration smartphone OPT
Recognition of road panels Systeme d'assistance de conduite: assistant limitation de vitesse OPT
Active-lane assistant Systeme d'assistance de conduite: actif (active) assistant maintien de trajectoire OPT
Led headlamp Headlight unit led w. static light system rht OPT
Multifunction display screen Central display mid (9" till 11,5" diagonal) OPT
Park assistant Active parking assistance OPT
Reverse camera Reversing camera OPT
Tow-bar Dispositif d attelage OPT
Drive Mode SelectIon Systeme d'assistance de conduite: agility select / dynamic select (interrupteur mode de conduite) OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,332 cm3
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Damage: 639.20 EUR
Sep-22 40,118 km Balais d'essuie-glace AV/Filtre à pollen/Liquide de frein/Plaquettes freins AV/Révision/Transmission gauche neuve
Jul-21 17,993 km Balais d'essuie-glace AV/Filtre à pollen/Révision
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