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Auction 38407, lot 2250675

Clase GLC GLC 220 d 4Matic 2.1 170CV AT9 E6

Clase GLC GLC 220 d 4Matic 2.1 170CV AT9 E6
Make: Mercedes-Benz
Model: GLC-Klasse (BM 253)(2015)
Modification: 220 d 4Matic 21 170CV AT9 E6
Date of registration: 01/04/2019
Mileage: 58 163 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 2.1
Transmission: Automated
Body: Hatchback
Drive: 4WD
Country of origin: Spain
Engine Power (kW): 125 KW
Category: Motor car
Navigation system Sistema de audio y navegacion: comand online OPT
Automatic air-conditionning Climatizador automatico (thermatic 2-zonas) OPT
Active-lane assistant Asistente a la conduccion: activo asistente de mantenimiento de carril OPT
Electric boot/hatchback Porton trasero con automatico sistema de apertura y cierre OPT
Recognition of road panels Reconocimiento de senales de trafico OPT
Led headlamp Faro led high performance OPT
Adaptative cruise control Advanced distronic OPT
Alloy wheels Llantas de aleacion ligera OPT
Park assistant Asistente a la conduccion: activo asistente de aparcamiento OPT
Drive Mode SelectIon Asistente a la conduccion: agility select / dynamic select (conmutador del modo de conduccion) OPT
Gearbox type Caja de cambios automatica - (9-pasos) OPT
Engine Capacity: 2,143 cm3
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Damage: 1423.78 EUR
May-24 58,163 km Mileage collected
Apr-19 First Drive
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