Auction 38098, lot 2117499
MERCEDES-BENZ C-Klasse C 300 d T 4Matic 9G-TRONIC Avantgarde 5d 180kW
Make: | Mercedes-Benz |
Model: | C-Klasse |
Modification: | C 300 d T 4Matic 9GTRONIC Avantgarde 5d 180kW |
Date of registration: | 01/01/2020 |
Mileage: | 56 698 km |
Fuel type: | Diesel |
Engine size: | 2.0 |
Transmission: | Automated |
Body: | Wagon car |
Drive: | 4WD |
Country of origin: | Germany |
Engine Power (kW): | 180 KW |
Category: | Motor car |
Smart phone mirror link Smartphone integriert OPT | |
Navigation system Navigationssystem: sd-karten-navigation OPT | |
Automatic air-conditionning Klimaautomatik (thermatic 2-zonen) OPT | |
Heated seats Sitzheizung vorn OPT | |
Rear parking aid Park-paket mit sensoren OPT | |
Electrically adjustable seats Sitz vorn rechts elektr. verstellbar OPT | |
Electric boot/hatchback Heckklappe mit automatischem Offnungs- und schließsystem OPT | |
Attention-Assist Fahrassistenz-system: attention-assist (mudigkeitserkennungs-sensor) OPT | |
Recognition of road panels Verkehrszeichenerkennung OPT | |
Active-lane assistant Fahrassistenz-system: aktiver spurhalteassistent OPT | |
Led headlamp Scheinwerfer led high performance OPT | |
Multifunction display screen Media-display OPT | |
Adaptative cruise control Tempomat mit abstandsregelung / distronic plus OPT | |
Park assistant Park-paket mit 360° kamera OPT | |
Alloy wheels Lm-rad 5-speichen design 17" rundum OPT | |
Drive Mode SelectIon Fahrassistenz-system: agility select / dynamic select (fahrmodusschalter) OPT | |
Gearbox type Getriebe automatik - (9-stufen) OPT | |
700.0 | |
Engine Capacity: | 1,950 cm3 |
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