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Auction 38022, lot 2109894

RENAULT Trafic VU 4p Fourgon FG GCFL1H1 1000 dCi95 Stop&Start E6

RENAULT Trafic VU 4p Fourgon FG GCFL1H1 1000 dCi95 Stop&Start E6
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Make: Renault
Model: Trafic lcv 2014
Modification: VU 4p Fourgon FG GCFL1H1 1000 dCi95 Stop&Start E6
Date of registration: 01/07/2019
Mileage: 77 030 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 1.6
Transmission: Manual
Body: Minivan/minibus
Country of origin: France
Engine Power (kW): 70 KW
Category: Cargo
Manual air-conditionning Climatisation OPT
Rear parking aid Aide au stationnement ar OPT
Cruise control Regulateur de vitesse (regul. vitesse) OPT
Other Equipment Cloison de separation de compartiment de charge avec vitre OPT
Right-side sliding door Porte coulissante compartiment de passager/coffre droit OPT
Smart phone mirror link Systeme audio: radio avec bluetooth et plug - music OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,598 cm3
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Damage: 1310.80 EUR
Dec-23 73,410 km Réparation pneumatique
Nov-23 73,229 km Poignée de porte/Recyclage
Jul-23 67,713 km ADBLUE/Ampoule/Balais d'essuie-glace AV/Liquide de frein/Plaquettes freins AV/Recyclage/Révision
Jul-23 65,754 km Controle technique autorise
Jul-21 30,234 km Révision
Jun-21 29,575 km Appoint d'huile moteur
Mar-24 77,030 km Mileage collected
Jul-19 First Drive
Dec-23 Last Mantenance 73,410 km
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