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Auction 37827, lot 2093151

PORSCHE MACAN / 2018 / 5P / SUV 2.0

PORSCHE MACAN / 2018 / 5P / SUV 2.0
Make: Porsche
Model: Macan-2013
Modification: 2018 / 5P / SUV 20
Date of registration: 01/03/2021
Mileage: 36 301 km
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine size: 2.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Offroad car
Drive: 4WD
Country of origin: Italy
Engine Power (kW): 180 KW
Category: Motor car
Smart phone mirror link Connect plus (bluetooth, apple carplay, wlan, vehicle tracking system) OPT
Equipment Pack Mozzi ruote - coperture stemma porsche colorato OPT
Heated seats Riscaldamento sedili ant. OPT
Leather upholstery Sitzbezuege in teilleder (glatt) OPT
Recognition of road panels Sistema assistenza guida: indicatore limite velocita OPT
Active-lane assistant Sistema assistenza guida: avviso superamento involontario linee carreggiata OPT
Electric boot/hatchback Portellone con automat. sistema apertura e chiusura OPT
Other Equipment Lenksaeule ax.,vert. einst.+memory OPT
Led headlamp Proiettore principale led incl. porsche dynamic light system plus (pdls+) OPT
Alloy wheels Cerchi in lega ant./post.: 9x20 / 10x20 (turbo ruota, platinum, seta lucida vernic.) OPT
Reverse camera Sistema assistenza guida: assistenza parcheggio con retrocamera OPT
Sun roof Tetto apribile panorama in due parti ant. elettr. OPT
Panoramic roof Grossdachsystem porsche OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,984 cm3
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Damage: 329.4 EUR
Sep-23 24,833 km Filtro Clima/Filtro Olio/Olio Motore
Mar-24 36,301 km Mileage collected
Mar-21 First Drive
Sep-23 Last Mantenance 24,833 km
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