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Auction 37719, lot 2082909

MAZDA 3 HATCHBACK - 2019 2.0i 180 Skycruise (EU6d-TEMP) 5d Auto

MAZDA 3 HATCHBACK - 2019 2.0i 180 Skycruise (EU6d-TEMP) 5d Auto
Make: Mazda
Model: 3 2016
Modification: HATCHBACK 2019 20i 180 Skycruise (EU6dTEMP) 5d Auto
Date of registration: 01/01/2020
Mileage: 115 716 km
Fuel type: Petrol/Electro
Engine size: 2.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Hatchback
Drive: 4WD
Country of origin: Belgium
Engine Power (kW): 132 KW
Category: Motor car
Metallic paint Peinture metallisee Machine Grey (#1) ACC
Other Equipment boulons anti-vol ACC
Other Equipment protection coffre ACC
Other Equipment seuils portes ACC
Engine Capacity: 1,998 cm3
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Damage: 2936 EUR
Dec-23 115,057 km Contrôle technique
May-23 96,986 km Radiateur
May-23 96,394 km 0103 Insp avec huile-fixe
May-23 96,394 km Liquide de frein
May-23 96,394 km Bougie
May-23 96,394 km Balai ess.-glace av
May-23 96,394 km Filtre à pollen
Aug-22 72,482 km entretien annuel an3
Aug-22 72,482 km Balai ess.-glace av
Jul-22 47,012 km entretien 40.000 Km
Jul-22 47,012 km Filtre à huile
Jul-22 47,012 km Liquide de frein
Jul-22 47,012 km Filtre à pollen
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