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Auction 37591, lot 2072789

Renault Megane Renault Megane IV Grandtour 1.3 TCe FAP Business 85KW

Renault Megane Renault Megane IV Grandtour 1.3 TCe FAP Business 85KW
Make: Renault
Modification: IV Grandtour 1.3 TCe FAP Business 85KW
Date of registration: 01/06/2020
Mileage: 98 450 km
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.3
Country of origin: Poland
Engine Power (kW): 85 Kw
Lakier, Pakiet City, Koło zapasowe dojazdowe, Alarm, Dywaniki gumowe
Engine Capacity: 1332 cm3
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