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Auction 37600, lot 2071767

Volkswagen Passat 8 SW (2014) Pas.Var.2.0TDI 110 Elegan.Aut.

Volkswagen Passat 8 SW (2014) Pas.Var.2.0TDI 110 Elegan.Aut.
Make: Volkswagen
Model: Passat Variant (CB5) (2019)
Modification: 8 SW (2014) PasVar20TDI 110 EleganAut
Date of registration: 01/12/2019
Mileage: 173 001 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 2.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Wagon car
Country of origin: Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Engine Power (kW): 110 KW
Category: Motor car
Navigation system Audio-navigačný system discover media streaming - internet (dotykova obrazovka, bluetooth, usb) OPT
Automatic air-conditionning Klimatizacia climatronic 3-zonova OPT
Electrically adjustable seats Bederna opierka chrbtice a nastav. sklon operadla pred., vľavo el. nastav. OPT
Leather/Alcantara upholstery Poťahy sedadiel/ čalunenie: alcantara/koža OPT
Heated seats Vyhrievanie sedadiel pred. OPT
Attention-Assist Asistenčný system: daa-driver attention alert (snimač sledovania pozornosti vodiča) OPT
Recognition of road panels Asistenčný system: detekcia dopravných značiek OPT
Active-lane assistant Asistenčný system: asistent pre jazdu v pruhu (lane assist) OPT
Led headlamp Svetlomet led OPT
Multifunction display screen Multifunkčný displej premium (farebný displej) OPT
Adaptative cruise control Asistenčný system: automaticka kontrola odstupu (acc vratane funkcia stop - go) OPT
Parking sensor front/rear Park-distance-control (pred. a zad.) OPT
Alloy wheels Disky (Ľm) OPT
Gearbox type Prevodovka 7-stup. - prevodovka so zdvojenou spojkou dsg OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,968 cm3
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Damage: 20.8333333333 EUR
Nov-23 173,001 km Mileage collected
Dec-19 First Drive
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