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Auction 37562, lot 2068714

Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 70kW Comfortline Business 5d

Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 70kW Comfortline Business 5d
Make: Volkswagen
Model: Polo
Modification: 1.0 TSI 70kW Comfortline Business 5d
Date of registration: 01/01/2020
Mileage: 166 348 km
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.0
Transmission: Manual
Body: Hatchback
Country of origin: Netherlands
Engine Power (kW): 70 KW
Category: Motor car
Other Equipment Bijrijdersstoel, In Hoogte Verstelbaar OPT
Other Equipment Digitaal instrumentenpaneel (Active Info Display) OPT
Other Equipment Licht & Zicht pakket (PLA/P) OPT
Metallic paint Metallic lak (CL03a/O) OPT
Other Equipment Model- + motoraanduiding op achterklep laten verva OPT
Other Equipment Spiegelpakket (6YD/O) OPT
Other Equipment Style pakket (WM3/P) OPT
Sound system Volkswagen soundsysteem ACC
Other Equipment Zijruiten achter en achterruit getint, 65% lichtab OPT
Engine Capacity: 999 cm3
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Damage: 795.04 EUR
Jan-24 160,279 km Longlife
Jan-24 160,279 km APK icm beurt
Feb-23 124,594 km Longlife
Feb-23 124,594 km Remvloeistof
Feb-23 124,594 km Raammechanisme
Feb-23 124,594 km interieurluchtfilter
May-22 90,758 km Longlife
May-22 90,758 km Luchtfilter
Oct-21 61,051 km Longlife
Oct-21 61,051 km Ruitenwisserblad voorzijde
Oct-21 61,051 km Ruitenwisserblad achterzijde
Oct-21 61,051 km interieurluchtfilter
Dec-20 25,221 km Longlife
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