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Auction 37551, lot 2067750

Ford, Fiesta 17, Ford Fiesta 1.0i EcoBoost 74kW Aut. Business Class

Ford, Fiesta 17, Ford Fiesta 1.0i EcoBoost 74kW Aut. Business Class
Make: Ford
Model: Fiesta (CE1)(2017)
Modification: esta 17, Ford Fiesta 10i EcoBoost 74kW Aut Business Class
Date of registration: 01/08/2019
Mileage: 35 213 km
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine size: 1.0
Transmission: Automated
Country of origin: Belgium
Engine Power (kW): 74 KW
Category: Motor car
Navigation system Avec systeme de navigation OPT
Rear parking aid Aide au stationnement ar OPT
Active-lane assistant Systeme d'assistance de conduite: assistant maintien de trajectoire OPT
Gearbox type Boite automatique - (6 positions) type: 6f OPT
Engine Capacity: 998 cm3
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35,213 km Mileage collected
Aug-19 First Drive
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