Auction 31305, lot 1713398
BMW X1 xDrive20d
Make: | BMW |
Model: | X1 xDrive20d |
Date of registration: | 01/11/2019 |
Mileage: | 102 012 km |
Fuel type: | Diesel |
Engine size: | 2.0 |
Transmission: | Automated |
Body: | Offroad car |
Drive: | 4WD |
Country of origin: | Sweden |
Engine Power (kW): | 140 KW |
Category: | Motor car |
Damage: | |
Cruise control Cruise control with brake function OPT | |
Leather upholstery Seat covers/upholstery: cloth sensatec OPT | |
Equipment Pack Sport line OPT | |
Head-up display Head-up display OPT | |
Navigation system Navigation system: navigation plus (usb) OPT | |
790.0 | |
Engine Capacity: | 1,995 cm3 |
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