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Auction 8, lot 1415821

BMW X3 xDrive20d (120 kW) 5d

BMW X3 xDrive20d (120 kW) 5d
Make: BMW
Model: X3 xdrive20d
Modification: (120 kW) 5d
Date of registration: 01/10/2018
Mileage: 96 608 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 2.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Offroad car
Drive: 4WD
Country of origin: Belgium
Engine Power (kW): 120 KW
Category: Motor car
Head-up display Afficheur tete haute OPT
Navigation system Navigation system professional OPT
Automatic air-conditionning Climatisation automatique 3 zones avec controle autom. circulation d'air OPT
Alloy wheels Jantes alliage leger OPT
Gearbox type Boite automatique - avec steptronic (8 positions) OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,995 cm3
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Damage: 969.2 EUR
Jul-22 86,539 km serv motorolie
Jul-22 86,539 km serv microfilter
Jul-22 86,539 km ruitenwisserblad voor
Jul-22 86,539 km ruitenwisserblad achter
Oct-21 53,702 km voertuigcheck
Oct-21 53,702 km serv motorolie
Oct-21 53,702 km serv microfilter
Oct-21 53,702 km serv luchtfilter
Oct-21 53,702 km serv brst. filt
Oct-21 53,702 km ruitenwisserblad voor
Oct-21 53,702 km ruitenwisserblad achter
Aug-21 49,498 km controle niveaus
Aug-21 49,498 km de remvloeistof
Jan-20 27,367 km serv motorolie
Jan-20 27,367 km serv microfilter
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