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Auction 8, lot 1410653

BMW 5 Reeks Berline 530d (195 kW) "Luxury Line" Aut. (total options: 12 206,61euro)

BMW 5 Reeks Berline 530d (195 kW) "Luxury Line" Aut. (total options: 12 206,61euro)
Make: BMW
Model: 5 reeks berline
Modification: 30d (19 kW) Luxury Line Aut (total options: 12 206,61euro)
Date of registration: 01/04/2017
Mileage: 56 478 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 3.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Sedan
Country of origin: Belgium
Engine Power (kW): 195 KW
Category: Motor car
Head-up display Afficheur tete haute OPT
Virtual Dashboard Affichage des instruments, multifonctionnel OPT
Equipment Pack Luxury line OPT
Navigation system Navigation system professional OPT
Leather upholstery Led.dak./cognac.ex./keder in kontr OPT
Rear heated seats Siege chauffant av + ar OPT
Engine Capacity: 2,993 cm3
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Damage: 107 EUR
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