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Auction 21584, lot 1318440

BMW X1 xDrive18d Steptronic 5d

BMW X1 xDrive18d Steptronic 5d
Make: BMW
Model: X1 xdrive18d steptronic
Modification: d
Date of registration: 01/03/2019
Mileage: 114 586 km
Fuel type: Diesel
Engine size: 2.0
Transmission: Automated
Body: Offroad car
Drive: 4WD
Country of origin: Switzerland
Engine Power (kW): 110 KW
Category: Motor car
Head-up display Head-up-display OPT
Navigation system Navigationssystem: navigation plus (usb) OPT
Automatic air-conditionning Klimaautomatik 2-zonen mit autom. umluft-control OPT
Front sport seats Sportsitze vorn OPT
Heated seats Sitzheizung vorn OPT
Engine Capacity: 1,995 cm3
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Damage: 3100.35 EUR
Jun-22 104,571 km Niveaukontrolle REI
Jun-21 74,770 km Niveaukontrolle REI
Jun-21 74,770 km AdBlue REI
Jan-21 59,895 km Luftfilter
Jan-21 59,895 km Wischerblatt hinten
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