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Auktion 31974, Lot 1745067

Ford Ranger Dubbelhytt 2.0 EcoBlue 4x4 SelectShift, 170hk, 2019

Ford Ranger Dubbelhytt 2.0 EcoBlue 4x4 SelectShift, 170hk, 2019
Marke: Ford
Modell: Ranger Dubbelhytt
Modifikation: 20 EcoBlue 4x4 SelectShift, 170hk, 2019
Anmeldungsdatum: 01/11/2020
KM-Stand: 74 917 km
Motortyp: Dieselöl
Hubraum: 2.0
Getriebe-Typ: Automatikgetriebe
Aufbau: Pick-up
Antrieb: Allradantrieb
Herkunftland: Sweden
Motorleistung (kW): 125 KW
Kategorie: Lastkraftwagen
Automatic air-conditionning Automatic air-conditioning system 2-zone OPT
Front sport seats With high back front seats OPT
Heated seats Seat heating front OPT
Recognition of road panels Driver assistance system: traffic sign assistant OPT
Active-lane assistant Driver assistance system: lane assist OPT
Tow-bar Trailer coupling OPT
Alloy wheels Wheel pack 5 OPT
4 Wheel Drive transmission mode Lhd 4wd (ptd) OPT
Gearbox type Automatic transmission - type: 10r80 (10-speed) OPT
Hubraum: 1,996 cm3
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74,917 km Mileage collected
Nov-20 First Drive
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